Red Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans)
TYPE: Sliders
Due to recent concerns in the news media about
the possibility of children contracting salmonella, from turtles, we have not yet, and will not to offer juveniles of the normal form
of this species. While the percentage of salmonella cases confirmed to be attributed to turtles of any kind is virtually imperceptible
(less than .0001 % of all cases in the US), this species has most often been singled out as a potential cause. With that concern in
mind, we suggest considering other species as alternatives (and always washing your hands after handling pets of any kind.) . For
reference: At The Turtle Source, we proactively treat twice each week for any bacterial potential. We are a state certified Aquiculture
facility, and are also regulated by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Our facility has always passed each, and
every regular inspection. Together with industry leaders, we actively worked to develop the National Reptile Improvement plan, which
has established a very high standard for the husbandry of all reptiles.
The most common turtle available the world over, Red Eared
Sliders make excellent starter turtles, and adults will brighten up outdoor ponds in nearly all US temperature zones. They do well
in tanks, water and land setups, and when kept with most other species.
They bask frequently, and will even pile on top of each other
for the best sunning position. In community set ups, it's often the red ears example that quicken other species taming down. Red ears
are omnivorous, eating pellets, most greens, insects, fish, mollusks etc.
**Please Note: Red Eared Sliders are not allowed to be shipped
to Virginia or Florida. Rarer color morphs of Red Eared Sliders, such as Albino Red Ears, Pastel Red Ears, Hypo Red Ears and Ghost
Red Ears are permitted to be shipped to Florida. Please contact us if you have any questions - Thank you.